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London Taught Course Centre for students in mathematical sciences
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/ Solids Mechanics inc. Elastic Wave Propagation
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Measure Theory
Algebraic Number Theory
Applied Computational Methods
Complex Systems Dynamics
Measure-Theoretic Probability
Representation Theory
REML Estimation and Linear Mixed Models
Regression Diagnostics and the Forward Search
Non-Linear Free Surfaces Flows with Gravity and Surface Tension
Multiple Deck Theory
Modular Group and Automorphic Forms
Ads/CFT Correspondence
Empirical Likelihood
Enumerative Combinatorics
Introduction to Semiparametric Modelling
Statistical Mechanics
Statistics in practise
Spectral Theory for Operators and Matrices
Solids Mechanics inc. Elastic Wave Propagation
Stochastic Processes
The Cremona Group
Exact Solution Methods for Differential Equations
Class Field Theory
Advanced Computational Methods in Statistics
C* Algebras (Advanced)
The Classical Moment Problem
Number Theory (P-adic L-functions)
Fundamental Theory of Statistical Inference
History of Mathematics
C* Algebras (Basic)
Mathematical Topics in General Relativity
Cohomology of Groups
Applied Bayesian Methods
Wave Scattering and Resonances
Elliptic Operators and Index Theorem (Part 1)
Analytical Methods
Graph Theory
Methods of Industrial Mathematics
Orthogonal Polynomials
Dynamical Systems
Graph Algorithms and Models
Elliptic Operators and Index Theorem* (Part 2)
Galois Representations
Applications of Differential Geometry to Mathematical Physics
Theory of Linear Models
Kaehler and HyperKaehler Geometry
Euler Systems and Iwasawa Theory
Introduction to Aperiodic Order
Big Data and Statistical Methods
Introduction to Randon Matrix Theory
Asymptotic Analysis and Statistical Applications
Complex Dynamics
Model Theory
Quantum Ergodicity and Number Theory
Topics in the Design of Experiments
Introduction to Applied Topology
Dynamical Functional Equations and their Applications (Basic)
Maximum Entropy Models of Complex Networks
Homological Algebra
Introduction to Harmonic Analysis
Introduction to the Modern Theory of Scattering
Riemannian Holonomy
Examples of Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry
Selective Inference
Solids Mechanics inc. Elastic Wave Propagation
Wave slides [PDF 120KB]