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London Taught Course Centre for students in mathematical sciences

Measure Theory


Week 1. Measure Theory Notes [PDF 121KB]

Week 1. Measure Theory Exercises [PDF 74KB]

Week 2 Measure Theory Notes [PDF 113KB]

Week 2 Measure Theory Exercises [PDF 58KB]

Week 3 Measure Theory Notes [PDF 108KB]

Week 3 Measure Theory Exercises [PDF 67KB]

Week 4. Measure Theory Notes [PDF 101KB]

Week 4. Measure Theory Exercises [PDF 20KB]

Week 5. Measure Theory Notes [PDF 109KB]

Week 5. Measure Theory Exercises [PDF 19KB]



Measure Theory Abstract [PDF 7KB]


Measure Theory Abstract 2019-20 [PDF 7KB] 

Measure Theory Notes Week 1 [PDF 120KB]

Measure Theory Notes Week 2 [PDF 68KB]

Measure Theory Notes Week 3 [PDF 56KB]

Measure Theory Notes Week 4 [PDF 55KB]

Measure Theory Notes Week 5 [PDF 58KB]

Measure Theory 2019 Exercise 1 [PDF 21KB]

Measure Theory 2019 Exercises 2 [PDF 17KB]

Measure Theory 2019 Exercises 3 [PDF 57KB]

Measure Theory 2019 Exercises 4 [PDF 20KB]

Measure Theory 2019 Exercises 5 [PDF 19KB]


Note from lecturer:

"In the proof of the monotone convergence for simple functions, I erroneously mentioned the case where the target function f might have  infinite or unbounded values. Simple functions are defined only for  function with finitely many finite values, hence the case does not come  up. Simple functions are always bounded, hence the argument in the  lecture is sufficient without any recourse to what happens where the  values might be infinite or unbounded."




Measure Theory Abstract [PDF 8KB] 


Measure Theory Notes 1 [PDF 81KB]


Measure Theory Exercise 1 [PDF 21KB]


Measure Theory Notes 2 [PDF 64KB]


Measure Theory Exercise 2 [PDF 18KB]


Measure Theory Notes 3 [PDF 53KB]


Measure Theory Exercise 3 [PDF 17KB]


Measure Theory Notes 4 [PDF 58KB]


Measure Theory Exercise 4 [PDF 20KB]


Measure Theory Notes 5 [PDF 61KB]


Measure Theory Exercise 5 [PDF 19KB]

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