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London Taught Course Centre for students in mathematical sciences

Numerical Software

Mathematical and Statistical Software from NAG for LTCC students

LTCC has a licence agreement with the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) that entitles LTCC students to use NAG software on their personal machines for their LTCC academic related usage. This agreement is based on existing licences held between NAG and LTCC consortium universities: Brunel, City, Imperial, Kent, KCL, LSE, QMUL, and UCL.

The following NAG software products are covered by this agreement:

  • NAG's Numerical Libraries (C, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90)
  • NAG Data Mining Components
  • NAG Toolbox for MATLAB (Current version of MATLAB needed)
  • NAG Statistical Add-ins
  • NAG Fortran Compiler
  • IRIS Explorer

NAG's numerical libraries and components can be called using many languages and packages including: C++ , C# / .NET, Excel, Java, LabVIEW, Python, R and S-Plus, MATLAB.

If an individual is not clear on his/her precise needs, then NAG is happy to recommend. E.g. if an individual wishes to use one of the NAG libraries and cannot identify what they need from the NAG website, letting NAG know of the following information will allow NAG to give an appropriate recommendation:

  • Operating System (e.g. 32 bit Windows)
  • Preferred Programming Language/Environment (e.g. Fortran, Java and VB)
  • Compiler Using (e.g. GFortran)

It is recommended that students use their University e-mail addresses when requesting licence keys. 

To request licence keys under the LTCC/NAG agreement or find out more information please contact NAG quoting reference "LTCC/NAG/JCH/2008"; e-mail

Once supplied with software students may use NAG's technical support services

NAG held a seminar for LTCC students and staff on 1 December 2009. Download the presentation from the event:

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